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JFreeChart - horizontal stacked bar chart with date axis

I have a set of machines and for the management application I need to make a diagram or chart to show the state of each machine. In the database there is a column state where the actual state is stored. This state changes according other parameters and by change the time of the event is also stored, that means the timestamp of the event is the start time for the state.

machine-id | event_time (long) | status (int)  

enter image description here

As you can see in the image there are many states on one horizontal line (machine), the colors will be set accourding the value in database.
The time axis goes in both directions, past and future (forecast), with predefined steps (here 1/4 hour) so the user should be able to scroll it somehow.

As a library I am allowed to use JFreeChart, but I've never worked with it before and also I am not such an experienced Java-Developer.

My questions:
- What do I need to do it? (which classes of jfreechart)
- How can I set a first time axis separated in 1/4 hour steps
- How to set a second time axis with the date (formated dd:mm:yyyy) (nice to have)
- How can I make the time axis scrollable (past and future)
- How to set the color for each status

What I really need is a how-to or a tutorial.
The sources and examples I found on the net are almost all a copy of eachother with a very basic usage of the jfreechart lib. So I don't really know how or where to start...

I'll be thankfull for your help.


  • I did with the XYIntervalSeries and XYPlot.
    Hier is the example code if someone needs a hint on that:

    public class XYIntervalBarChart extends ApplicationFrame{
    private static final String NODATA_SERIES   = "NODATA";
    private static final String STANDBY_SERIES  = "STANDBY";
    private static final String HEATING_SERIES  = "HEATING";
    private static final String HOLDING_SERIES  = "HOLDING";
    private static final String COOLING_SERIES  = "COOLING";
    private static final String LOWERING_SERIES = "LOWERING";
    ArrayList<EventStatus> testData = null;
    String[] catArray;
    JFreeChart chart;
    DateAxis dateAxis;
    Date chartStartDate;
    Date chartEndDate;
    public XYIntervalBarChart(String title) {
        // set up some test data
        chartStartDate  = new Date(1477461600000L);
        chartEndDate = new Date(1477497600000L);
        chart = createIntervalStackedChart();
        ChartPanel chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart);
        chartPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600, 450));
    private JFreeChart createIntervalStackedChart() {
        XYIntervalSeriesCollection dataset = createXYIntervalDataset();
        XYBarRenderer xyRend = new XYBarRenderer();
        xyRend.setBarPainter(new StandardXYBarPainter());
        xyRend.setSeriesPaint(0, Color.BLACK);
        xyRend.setSeriesPaint(1, Color.DARK_GRAY);
        xyRend.setSeriesPaint(2, Color.RED);
        xyRend.setSeriesPaint(3, Color.YELLOW);
        xyRend.setSeriesPaint(4, Color.CYAN);
        xyRend.setSeriesPaint(5, Color.GREEN);
        dateAxis = new DateAxis();
        dateAxis.setDateFormatOverride(new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yy HH:mm"));
        XYPlot plot = new XYPlot(dataset, new SymbolAxis("", catArray), dateAxis, xyRend);
        return new JFreeChart(plot);
    private XYIntervalSeriesCollection createXYIntervalDataset() {
        XYIntervalSeriesCollection dataset = new XYIntervalSeriesCollection();
        int statesCount = 6;
        XYIntervalSeries[] series = new XYIntervalSeries[statesCount];
        for (int i = 0; i < statesCount; i++) {
            series[i] = new XYIntervalSeries(states[i]);
        for (int i = 0; i < testData.size(); i++) {
            EventStatus es = testData.get(i);
            int machNo = es.getPlanningNo();
            int state = es.getStatus();
            long eventStart = es.getTime();
            long eventEnd = 0;
            if (testData.indexOf(es) == testData.size() - 1) {
                eventEnd = chartEndDate.getTime();
            else {
                EventStatus nextEs = testData.get(i + 1);
                if (nextEs.getTime() > eventStart) {
                    eventEnd = nextEs.getTime();
                else {
                    eventEnd = chartEndDate.getTime();
            long duration = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(eventEnd - eventStart, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
            series[state].add(machNo, machNo - 0.2, machNo + 0.2, eventStart, eventStart, eventStart + duration);
        return dataset;
    private void initData() {
        testData = new ArrayList<EventStatus>();
        testData.add(new EventStatus("Mach-1", 1477468500000L, 1, 0)); // 26.10.16 09:55  standby
        testData.add(new EventStatus("Mach-1", 1477472100000L, 2, 0)); // 26.10.16 10:55  heating
        testData.add(new EventStatus("Mach-1", 1477474200000L, 5, 0)); // 26.10.16 11:30  lowering
        testData.add(new EventStatus("Mach-1", 1477476000000L, 3, 0)); // 26.10.16 12:00  holding
        testData.add(new EventStatus("Mach-1", 1477479600000L, 4, 0)); // 26.10.16 13:00  cooling
        testData.add(new EventStatus("Mach-1", 1477486800000L, 1, 0)); // 26.10.16 15:00  standby
        testData.add(new EventStatus("Mach-2", 1477465200000L, 3, 1)); // 26.10.16 09:00  holding
        testData.add(new EventStatus("Mach-2", 1477472400000L, 2, 1)); // 26.10.16 11:00  heating
        testData.add(new EventStatus("Mach-2", 1477474200000L, 5, 1)); // 26.10.16 11:30  lowering
        testData.add(new EventStatus("Mach-2", 1477476000000L, 2, 1)); // 26.10.16 12:00  heating
        testData.add(new EventStatus("Mach-2", 1477479600000L, 3, 1)); // 26.10.16 13:00  holding
        testData.add(new EventStatus("Mach-2", 1477486800000L, 4, 1)); // 26.10.16 15:00  cooling
        ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
        for (EventStatus eventStatus : testData) {
            if (list.contains(eventStatus.getName()))
        catArray = new String[list.size()];
        catArray = list.toArray(catArray);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        XYIntervalBarChart demo = new XYIntervalBarChart("XYIntervalBarChart");

    enter image description here