Is there a way to map to a second field, if the first field is less than 0?
For example, if you are mapping a csv file with columns foo
and bar
Map(m => m.Price).Name("foo");
And if the column foo
equals 0, can we then map Price
to the value of the bar
column instead.
You have to manually convert the column like below.
Map(x => x.Price)
.ConvertUsing(row =>
var fooValue = row.GetField<decimal>("foo");
if (fooValue == 0m)
return row.GetField<decimal>("bar");
return fooValue;
That said, I don't think you should be using CsvHelper to do conditional mapping. Ideally, you'd have a mapping for your CSV model and another model you want to map to. Then have code that maps your CSV model to that other model.