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DataTable Sorting Lost When Done Via Method

I created 2 lines of code to sort my DataTable. I needed to do this several times, so I then moved the 2 lines into a simple method that I would call each time I needed to sort.

However, when I call the method in order to sort my DataTable, the DataTable does not maintain the sorting. There must be something taking place here that I am not aware of and that I do not understand.

My 2 lines that work as I want them to:

private void loadData()
  DataTable scheduleData = new DataTable();

  code that fills the DataTable with data and creates the groupOrderBy string

  scheduleData.DefaultView.Sort = "SortDate, Finish";
  scheduleData = scheduleData.DefaultView.ToTable();

  scheduleData.Columns.RemoveAt(0);  // at this point, when I view the
                                     // DataTable scheduleData, the rows are sorted correctly

When I view the scheduleData DataTable after the above lines run, it looks like how I want it (the rows are in the correct order).

So, I tried to move them into a method as shown below:

private void loadData()
  DataTable scheduleData = new DataTable();

  code that fills the DataTable with data and creates the groupOrderBy string

  sortDT(scheduleData, "SortDate, Finish")

  scheduleData.Columns.RemoveAt(0);  // at this point, when I view the
                                     // DataTable scheduleData, the rows are no longer sorted
                                     // (they are back to their original positions)

private void sortDT(DataTable dt, string sortString)
  dt.DefaultView.Sort = sortString;
  dt = dt.DefaultView.ToTable();  // at this point, when I view the
                                  // DataTable dt, the rows are sorted correctly

During the method's execution, viewing the "dt" DataTable shows correctly sorted rows. After the method's execution, viewing the scheduleData DataTable shows rows that are not sorted.

What am I not understanding here?

I thought that maybe it had to do with the DataTable in the method ("dt") versus the scheduleData one. Perhaps I was sorting "dt", but it wasn't actually affecting the scheduleData table that I passed into the method (so I should be using a method that doesn't return void?).

So, I tried this instead of the scheduleData.Columns.RemoveAt(0); line above:

private void loadData()
  DataTable scheduleData = new DataTable();

  code that fills the DataTable with data and creates the groupOrderBy string


private void deleteColumn(DataTable dt)

That simple method works, and when the code execution resumes after calling it, the scheduleData DataTable has had its Column[0] removed.

Obviously, I'm rather new to C#/programming, so I may just be missing something very simple. I don't understand why one method that manipulates my DataTable works (the removing of a column), but another method that manipulates the DataTable does not work (the sorting).


  • In your sortDT method, you are reassiging the dt variable to the result of dt.DefaultView.ToTable(), thus the reference to dt changes within the method. The change of the reference doesn't get reflected outside the method. So, you basically have two options:

    1. Return the result of dt.DefaultView.ToTable() from your sortDT. (In that case I would call the method GetSortedDataTable.
    2. Pass dt as reference to the method, as stated here in the MSDN docs.

    I'd prefer the first option.