I can use ImportHTML in Google sheets to retrieve financial data from Yahoo Finance but it is lacking where Google Finance has the data. For example here is a link to Ford's financials on Google Finance how would I grab this data with ImportHTML in Google Sheets?
It depends on exactly what you want. These get all available tables:
Income Statement Quarterly Data
"https://www.google.com/finance? q=NYSE%3AF&fstype=ii&ei=viASWOnfNsfEeqqUnMgG","table",2)
Income Statement Annual Data
Balance Sheet Quarterly Data
Balance Sheet Annual Data
Cash Flow Quarterly Data
Cash Flow Annual Data
To get other companies, enter the stock symvol (i.e.; F, GOOG, IBM) in a cell and reference the cell in the URL. Like this:
The "&A2&" references the cell A2. The formula will get the data for the company in cell A2.