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How to Modify Bootstrap Collapse with a unique id for open and closed state on page reload

I have built a expanding tree-list using bootstrap collapse.. (Without accordion, which seems to be rare I learnt when trying to google it) The first problem I encountered was that the open/closed position of each item on page reload, wasn't recorded and therefore needs to be saved using local storage. Easy.

However, The subsequent problem is getting each tree-item to act individually and not remembering each other's position. Thus we need to generate a unique ID for open and closed state for each individual item so that they won't open and close together.


Thanks to SPViradiya for providing this easy solution combining both open, closed and rotating arrow, with little HTML and CSS.

$(document).ready(function () {
    var getUniqueID = localStorage.getItem('uniqueid');
if( typeof getUniqueID == "string" )
    var parsedUID = JSON.parse(getUniqueID);
  if( parsedUID != "" && typeof parsedUID == "object" )
    for( item in parsedUID )
         $( "#"+item).collapse('show');
         console.log($( "div[href='#"+item+"']"));
         $( "div[href='#"+item+"']").addClass('rotateOn');
         $( "#"+item).collapse('hide');
         $( "div[href='#"+item+"']").removeClass('rotateOn');

$('.expand').click(function() {
    //store the id of the collapsible element
    var uniqueid = {};

       var getID = $(this).attr('href').replace(/#/g,'');
       uniqueid[getID] = $("#"+getID).hasClass('in');
    localStorage.setItem('uniqueid', JSON.stringify(uniqueid)); 




  • Try below code on document ready

    var getUniqueID = localStorage.getItem('uniqueid');
    if( typeof getUniqueID == "string" )
        var parsedUID = JSON.parse(getUniqueID);
      if( parsedUID != "" && typeof parsedUID == "object" )
        for( item in parsedUID )
             $( "#"+item+).collapse('show');
             $( "#"+item+).collapse('hide');
    $('.expand').click(function() {
        //store the id of the collapsible element
        var uniqueid = {};
           var getID = $(this).attr('href').replace(/#/g,'');
           uniqueid[getID] = $(this).hasClass('collapsed');
        localStorage.setItem('uniqueid', JSON.stringify(uniqueid)); 