I have a JSON structure that contains an array of events. The array is "polymorphic" in the sense that there are three possible event types A
, B
and C
"events": [
{ "eventType": "A", ...},
{ "eventType": "B", ...},
{ "eventType": "C", ...},
The three event types don't have the same object structure, so I need different Reads
for them. And apart from that, the target case class of the whole JSON document distinguishes between the events:
case class Doc(
aEvents: Seq[EventA],
bEvents: Seq[EventB],
cEvents: Seq[EventC],
How can I define the internals of Reads[Doc]
so that the json array events
is split into three subsets which are mapped to aEvents
, bEvents
and cEvents
What I tried so far (without being succesful):
First, I defined a Reads[JsArray]
to transform the original JsArray
to another JsArray
that only contains events of a particular type:
def eventReads(eventTypeName: String) = new Reads[JsArray] {
override def reads(json: JsValue): JsResult[JsArray] = json match {
case JsArray(seq) =>
val filtered = seq.filter { jsVal =>
(jsVal \ "eventType").asOpt[String].contains(eventTypeName)
case _ => JsError("Must be an array")
Then the idea is to use it like this within Reads[Doc]
implicit val docReads: Reads[Doc] = (
(__ \ "events").read[JsArray](eventReads("A")).andThen... and
(__ \ "events").read[JsArray](eventReads("B")).andThen... and
(__ \ "events").read[JsArray](eventReads("C")).andThen... and
)(Doc.apply _)
However, I don't know how to go on from here. I assume the andThen
part should look something like this (in case of event a):
But that doesn't work since I expect the API to create a Seq[EventA]
by explicitly passing a Reads[EventA]
instead of Reads[Seq[EventA]]
. And apart from that, since I've never got it running, I'm not sure if this whole approach is reasonable in the first place.
edit: in case the original JsArray
contains unknown event types (e.g. D
and E
), these types should be ignored and left out from the final result (instead of making the whole Reads
put implicit read
for every Event
type like
def eventRead[A](et: String, er: Reads[A]) = (__ \ "eventType").read[String].filter(_ == et).andKeep(er)
implicit val eventARead = eventRead("A", Json.reads[EventA])
implicit val eventBRead = eventRead("B", Json.reads[EventB])
implicit val eventCRead = eventRead("C", Json.reads[EventC])
and use Reads[Doc] (folding event list to separate sequences by types and apply result to Doc
Reads[Doc] = (__ \ "events").read[List[JsValue]].map(
_.foldLeft[JsResult[ (Seq[EventA], Seq[EventB], Seq[EventC]) ]]( JsSuccess( (Seq.empty[EventA], Seq.empty[EventB], Seq.empty[EventC]) ) ){
case (JsSuccess(a, _), v) =>
(v.validate[EventA].map(e => a.copy(_1 = e +: a._1)) or v.validate[EventB].map(e => a.copy(_2 = e +: a._2)) or v.validate[EventC].map(e => a.copy(_3 = e +: a._3)))
case (e, _) => e
).flatMap(p => Reads[Doc]{js => p.map(Doc.tupled)})
it will create Doc in one pass through events list
JsSuccess(Doc(List(EventA(a)),List(EventB(b2), EventB(b1)),List(EventC(c))),)
the source data
val json = Json.parse("""{"events": [
| { "eventType": "A", "e": "a"},
| { "eventType": "B", "ev": "b1"},
| { "eventType": "C", "event": "c"},
| { "eventType": "B", "ev": "b2"}
| ]
case class EventA(e: String)
case class EventB(ev: String)
case class EventC(event: String)