My goal is to fetch an object (image) from S3, change the metadata of the file, and replace it with new file that has changed metadata.
For changing the metadata I am using commons imaging library. I have coded the sample below that works as expected but does not deal with S3.
File newFile = new File("newImage2.jpg");
OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(newFile))
InputStream isNew = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(newFile))
InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(new File("newImage.jpg")))
try {
String xmpXml = "<x:xmpmeta>" +
"\n<Lifeshare>" +
"\n\t<Date>"+"some date"+"</Date>" +
"\n\t<Latitude>"+"somelat"+"</Latitude>" +
"\n\t<Longitude>"+"somelong"+"</Longitude>" +
"\n\t<Altitude>"+"somealt"+"</Altitude>" +
"\n\t<Z>"+"someZ"+"</Z>" +
"\n\t<X>"+"someX"+"</X>" +
"\n\t<Y>"+"Some y"+"</Y>" +
"\n</Lifeshare>" +
JpegXmpRewriter rewriter = new JpegXmpRewriter();
rewriter.updateXmpXml(is,os, xmpXml);
String newXmpXml = Imaging.getXmpXml(isNew, "newImage2.jpg");
println newXmpXml
finally {
The above works since I can run exiftool
on the newimage2.jpg
and view the set metadata properties:
$ exiftool newImage2.jpg | grep "Lifeshare"
Lifeshare Date : some date
Lifeshare Latitude : somelat
Lifeshare Longitude : somelong
Lifeshare Altitude : somealt
Lifeshare Z : someZ
Lifeshare X : someX
Lifeshare Y : Some y
How can I do the same using an object on S3 using AWS S3 SDK? The updateXmpXml
method above requires OutputStream
as a second parameter. However, I don't see any outputstream class in the AWS sdk
using apache ioutils
OutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
AmazonS3 s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(new ProfileCredentialsProvider());
S3Object object = s3Client.getObject(
new GetObjectRequest(bucketName, key));
InputStream in= object.getObjectContent();
IOUtils.copy(in, out);