Currently, I have no way to structure my pages as separate apps. The way I am currently thinking is as follows:
/ Main
file is the bootstrapper which provides the routing.Is there a way to achieve this?
Well, there are different ways to achieve this:
1. One Elm app, with each page as a separate component
In that case, you create one "root" elm module, which imports your photo Model, Msg, init, update, view. And same for your blog.
Then you have 1 elm app. This is the approach I would take: Allows you to manage global front-end state, like user-info in one place and across photo and blog.
Your main elm file would then look something like this:
import PhotoPage
import BlogPage
type alias Model =
{ photo : PhotoPage.Model
, blog : BlogPage.Model
, currentPage : Page
type Page = Home | Blog | Photo
init =
{ photo = PhotoPage.init
, blog = BlogPage.init
, currentPage = Home
type Msg =
| PhotoMsg PhotoPage.Msg
| BlogMsg BlogPage.Msg
update msg model =
case msg of
PhotoMsg photoMsg ->
(newPhoto, photoCmd) = PhotoPage.update photoMsg
{ model | photo = newPhoto }
! [ PhotoMsg photoCmd ]
2. Completely separate elm apps
Build 3 completely independent apps/ websites, each with own index.html, and own elm app.
And you use default browser navigation to navigate between your different Elm apps.
This could work if you have some way to manage global state at server/ session level.
Your view function in your home.elm file could then look something like this:
view model =
div []
[ h1 [] [ text "I am the homepage"]
, a [ href "/photo" ] [ text "go to photo page" ]