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What is the C++ 11 atomic library equivalent of Java's AtomicMarkableReference<T>

Need this call to implement a lock-free linked list. An AtomicMarkableReference is an object from the java.util.concurrent.atomic package that encapsulates both a reference to an object of type T and a Boolean mark. These fields can be updated atomically,either together or individually.

Thank You.


  • Assuming object's alignement be more than 1, you may use the last bit of the pointer as a boolean mark:

    template<class T>
    class MarkableReference
        uintptr_t val;
        static const uintptr_t mask = 1;
        MarkableReference(T* ref = NULL, bool mark = false)
            val = ((uintptr_t)ref & ~mask) | (mark ? 1 : 0);
        T* getRef(void)
            return (T*)(val & ~mask);
        bool getMark(void)
            return (val & mask);

    For perform atomic operations, you need to create atomic variable from this class. E.g., if type of object, pointed by a reference, should be int, you may create this variable:

    atomic<MarkableReference<int>> mRef;

    For variable mRef you may apply any operation, which is applied for normal atomic. For example, Compare-and-Set (CAS):

    int a;
    int b;
    // Atomically change pair (&a, true) to (&b, false).
    MarkableReference<int> old = mRef.load();
    if(old == MarkableReference(&a, true))
        if(mRef.compare_exchange_strong(old, MarkableReference(&b, false)))
            // Successful CAS
    // 'old' contains other value. (Unsuccessfull CAS)