I need to build an app that will span across multiple monitor screens, something like this:
Electron supports multiple windows but how do I communicate between them?
The main thing to remember is that in Electron, interProcess communication is done by ipcMain (in the main process) and ipcRenderer(in all the created windows). Like below:
From what i've seen in the GitHub comments - direct communication between the Renderer instances is not allowed. Everything must pass trough the mainProcess.
the code: mainProcess.js:
function createWindow1 () {
window1 = new BrowserWindow({width: 800,height: 600})
window1.on('closed', function () {
window1 = null
return window1
function createWindow2 () {
window2 = new BrowserWindow({width: 1000, height: 600})
window2.on('closed', function () {
window2 = null
return window2
app.on('ready', () => {
window1 = createWindow1();
window2 = createWindow2();
ipcMain.on('nameMsg', (event, arg) => {
console.log("name inside main process is: ", arg); // this comes form within window 1 -> and into the mainProcess
event.sender.send('nameReply', { not_right: false }) // sends back/replies to window 1 - "event" is a reference to this chanel.
window2.webContents.send( 'forWin2', arg ); // sends the stuff from Window1 to Window2.
<input type="text" id="name" value="" placeholder="Enter your name">
<button type="button" id="sendName" >Send the name! </button>
// You can also require other files to run in this process
const ipcRenderer = require('electron').ipcRenderer
let name = document.getElementById('name');
ButtonSendName = document.getElementById('sendName');
ButtonSendName.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
ipcRenderer.send('nameMsg', name.value);
ipcRenderer.on('nameReply', (event, arg) => {
console.log(arg) // why/what is not right..
<p id = "showName"></p>
const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron')
showName = document.getElementById('showName')
ipcRenderer.on('forWin2', function (event, arg){
showName.innerHTML = arg;
console.log("I'm Window2");
A demo would be better, but I don't know how to build an electron CodeBin app. This image gives you an idea:
Enjoy the power of Electron !