I'm working on a project that would require calculations on dates. I'm looking for a way to store date as a Date object inside a access database but every method gives an error. I'm using UcanAccess drivers with Java 8.
My stripped Code:
//========================== SetupDB =====================================//
public void setupDB() {
try {
c1 = DriverManager.getConnection(ABDebatePro.DBURL);
stmt = c1.createStatement();
catch (Exception e) {
//========================== InsertDB ====================================//
public void insertDB(int m, String ft, String st, int s1, int s2, Date d) {
MatchNumber = m;
FirstTeam = ft;
SecondTeam = st;
FirstTeamScore = s1;
SecondTeamScore = s2;
MatchDate = d;
try {
String sql = "insert into Schedule (MatchNumber, FirstTeam, SecondTeam, FirstTeamScore, SecondTeamScore, MatchDate) values " + "(" + m + ",'" + ft + "','" + st + "'," + s1 + "," + s2+ ",'" + d + "')";
int z = stmt.executeUpdate(sql);
} catch (Exception fe) {
//========================== Main ========================================//
public static void main(String[] args) {
Schedule sch = new Schedule();
try {
java.sql.Date date1 = java.sql.Date.valueOf("2016-10-25");
sch.insertDB(3, "Turtles", "Aligators", 4, 3, date1);
} catch (Exception ex) {
My Log:
insert into Schedule (MatchNumber, FirstTeam, SecondTeam, FirstTeamScore, SecondTeamScore, MatchDate) values (3,'Turtles','Aligators',4,3,'2016-10-25')
net.ucanaccess.jdbc.UcanaccessSQLException: data exception: invalid datetime format
My database:
Your problem is that you are using dynamic SQL to construct the SQL statement in insertDB
, and that statement contains an invalid date literal. You should be using a PreparedStatement
and a parameterized query like so:
String sql =
"INSERT INTO Schedule " +
"(MatchNumber, FirstTeam, SecondTeam, FirstTeamScore, SecondTeamScore, MatchDate) " +
PreparedStatement ps = c1.prepareStatement(sql)
ps.setInt(1, m);
ps.setString(2, ft);
ps.setString(3, st);
ps.setInt(4, s1);
ps.setInt(5, s2);
ps.setDate(6, d);
int z = ps.executeUpdate();