I am using springfox-swagger2 and springfox-swagger-ui version 2.5.0 dependencies to generate my JSON APIs and also using swagger-ui to show the JSON messages.
Currently swagger ui shows my JSON model with all the fields as optional. How can I specify certain fields to be required. Do I need to annotate any field in my POJO to state that it is required. I am not using any swagger annotations and relying on springfox to generate JSON from my POJOs.
You must use the 'required' attribute of the @ApiModelProperty
public class LoginResponse {
@ApiModelProperty(value="User's last name", required = true)
String firstName;
@ApiModelProperty(value="User's first name", required = true)
String lastName;
public LoginResponse(String firstName, String lastName) {
this.firstName= firstName;
this.deviceSecret = lastName;