It is a bit of a joke that I have to ask this but it is really not clear what the best way is. So this might turn into a little rant. But I have the fealing that Elixir lacks seriously here.
I find it quite complicated to get the current date to query in Ecto agains the current date. For example for something like get me every record where date column x contains a date before t
As of now I use Erlangs :calendar.universal_time()
, pass that to Ecto.DateTime.from_erl
and that again to Ecto.Date.cast
date = :calendar.universal_time() |> Ecto.DateTime.from_erl |> Ecto.Date.cast
Note that we also have to pattern match the actual date, since we get back a tuple
{:ok, #Ecto.Date<2016-10-25>}
So it is
{:ok, date} = :calendar.universal_time() |> Ecto.DateTime.from_erl |> Ecto.Date.cast
Of course I could use Ecto.Date.cast!
but that again is something you have to find out and could have some downsides I'm not aware of.
Then I can build the query. But I have to call at least 3 functions everytime...
query = from m in Model, select: {,}, where: (m.canceled_to > ^date), order_by: [desc: m.inserted_at]
result = Repo.all(query)
So is there a better way that I'm missing?
To get the current date in Ecto - Ecto.Date.utc/0