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How to consume JWT access token and user claims using RestSharp

I'm using below code to consume JWT access token from an Web Api 2.2 service. I have followed this article to setup an authorization server in Web Api service. I'm using RestSharp in the client.

client code:

            var client = new RestClient(http://localhost:58030);
            client.Timeout = 30000;
            var request = new RestRequest(@"/Oauth/Token", Method.POST);
            request.AddHeader("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
            request.AddHeader("grant_type", "password");
            request.AddHeader("username", "");
            request.AddHeader("password", "Admin@456");
            IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
            result = response.Content;

As a result I'm getting following error:

  "error_description":"grant type not supported",
  1. Why I'm getting this error and how can I fix this?
  2. How can I access the Claims such as username in client?
  3. Alternatively how can I use Identity Model to consume the service?


  • You added grant_type ,username and password to the Header of the http request , it should be in Body part.