This is what I get:
Error: Exception thrown by the agent : java.rmi.server.ExportException: Port already in use: 8099; nested exception is: Address already in use: JVM_Bind.
I have to mention that I use liferay 7.0 ga3
and tomcat 8.0.32
, my ide is eclipse luna
I tried to run in command line start rmiregistry some_port, but it didn't do nothing, just popped up a window and did effectively nothing. Thank you!
Tomcat uses port 8099 for JMX communication (which is crucial for debugging). There is already another process using this port. Here are some possibilities:
In general, it is more practical just to finish the other process. A LOT OF TIMES, the other process is Spotify. Are you using Spotify? If so, just finish it, start Liferay and then reopen Spotify. Annoying but straightforward.
You started another Tomcat bundle. In this case, you only have to shut it down.
A previous Liferay execution just crashed and let a rogue Java process listening on the port. In this case, go to the terminal and execute jps
$ jps
28058 org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.200.v20160318-1642.jar
1787 Bootstrap
14207 Jps
Kill the process that is labeled Bootstrap
$ kill -9 1787
Technically, you could change the port on Tomcat. Open the server configuration, click on "Open Launch Configuration." Then, go to the "Arguments" tab and look for 8099
. Basically, follow the GIF below:
However, I do not know all the consequences of it. I used to do it with Tomcat servers without LDS, not sure what problems it could bring with LDS.