I use some JavaScript in my Angular 2, TypeScript project. For example I use MixPanel that have a javascript file and some methods that look like this:
"$first_name": "Joe",
"$last_name": "Doe",
"$created": "2013-04-01T09:02:00",
"$email": "joe.doe@example.com"
and this:
mixpanel.track("Video played", {
"Video length": 213,
"id": "hY7gQr0"
Calling this methods work, but typescript can not find any definitions of this mixpanel object so it throws errors. This is problematic because I can't compile with these errors...
Therefore, I am using this little hack to declare mixpanel like this:
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
declare var mixpanel: {
track(event: string, data: any): void;
identify(data: any): void;
people(data: any): void;
track_links(domQuery: string, eventName: string, properties: any): void;
export class MixPanelService {
constructor() { }
public track(event: string, data: any) {
mixpanel.track(event, data);
public track_links(domQuery: string, eventName: string, properties: any) {
mixpanel.track_links(domQuery, eventName, properties);
public identify(id: string) {
mixpanel.people.set({ <---- ERROR: Property 'set' does not exist on type '(data: any) => void'.at line 37 col 21
'$first_name': id
I am declaring mixpanel.people, but not mixpanel.people.set. This causes an error.
Anyone know how I should declare mixpanel var to fix this? Or if there is a better solution?
declare var mixpanel:any;
can solve your all problems;