I have an aim to obtain the PID of application, when the latter runs.
I wrote a simple function calls pgrep
QString Scriptlauncher::getAppProcessId() {
QProcess p;
QString programme("pgrep");
QStringList args = QStringList() << "app_name";
p.start(programme, args);
QByteArray rdata = p.readAllStandardOutput();
qDebug() << "------------- script output rawdata is:" << rdata;
if (!rdata.isEmpty()) {
QString pid(rdata);
pid = pid.left(pid.length() -1); // cut '\n' symbol
qWarning() << "APPLICATION pid is" << pid;
return pid;
qWarning() << "failed to find out PID";
return ("-1");
When I run the program directly from Qt or using a simple script (call it execute.sh
; it exports all needed shared libs and then run app binary, - to run the app from terminal), the codeblock from above returns correct value:
user@host:/standalone_package/ execute.sh
------------- script output rawdata is: "21094\n"
APPLICATION pid is "21094"
But when I run execute.sh from the valgrind heap profiler command, the function returns:
user@host:/standalone_package/ valgrind --tool=massif --trace-children=yes ./execute.sh
------------- script output rawdata is: ""
failed to find out PID
Thanks to Hayt for links! I've found a solution!
The second link offered requires the instance of QProcess
object. I have no idea about how to get it.
But using first link, I get the code working both directly from app and under valgrind
QString Scriptlauncher::getAppProcessId() {
long pid = (long)getpid();
qDebug ("------------- pid is %d", pid);
QString pidstr = QString::number(pid);
return pidstr;