To link to record you can use something like this in your route:
this.route('clients', function() {
So if the user were to go to: /clients/all/view/-KdFmDwwWAHDFjjaG6aA
They could view that client record.
Is it possible to link at a deeper level? For example:
That way you could be looking at a specific client record and then launch an overlay for example to show the specifics on a single property that client has for sale?
I'm not sure how to structure the router or the link-to to accomplish this?
I hope I understand your question correctly. Here is my answer,
Yes, it's possible to have a deeper level, I will change your route config a bit to :
this.route('clients', { path: '/clients' }, function(){
this.route('view', { path: '/:clients_id' }, function(){
this.route('property', { path: '/property/:property_id' });
So in this case, your link-to
code in the HBS
would be
{{#link-to '' clientId}}
and now file structure is :
Please remember that you need to also modify your route.js for each properly. I assumed you don't have any problems for that.
if you need more help please let me know.