I was working my way through the "Hello Dojo!" tutorial found here.
The primary logic for this tutorial is found as a function passed to the require()
call in the header, but I can't figure out what triggers it:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Tutorial: Hello Dojo!</title>
<h1 id ="greeting">Hello</h1>
<!-- load Dojo -->
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/dojo/1.10.4/dojo/dojo.js"
data-dojo-config="async: true"></script>
<!-- how is this calling!? -->
], function(dom,domConstruct) {
var greetingNode = dom.byId('greeting');
domConstruct.place('<em> Dojo!</em>', greetingNode);
I understand how the logic within that function is called - obtaining a reference to the greeting
element and then appending an em
node to it - but I can't figure out why/how the code inside the function is executed to begin with!
You have: require(...)
So you call require
and pass it pass an array of strings and a function as arguments.
(or a function it calls later) is responsible for calling the second argument.