Search code examples

JSON.Net - Another data retrieval from a polymorphic json string

Here's what my JSON string looks like:

    "?xml" : {
        "@version" : "1.0",
        "@encoding" : "UTF-8"
    "DataFeed" : {
        "@FeedName" : "content",
        "now" : "2016-10-17T14:11:38.00",
        "Content" : [{
                "ContentData" : {
                    "@statusType" : "Published",
                    "@isReleased" : "Yes",
                    "@docId" : "21756",
                    "ProductStatus" : {
                        "@productCategory" : "Issuer",
                        "@focus" : "Issuer",
                        "Symbol" : {
                            "@PrimarySymbol" : "GOOGL",
                            "@SecondarySymbol" : "Google",
                            "@BmId" : "1790"
                    "ContentVersion" : {
                        "@versionId" : "1",
                        "@lastVersion" : "true",
                        "@lastPublished" : "true",
                        "Url" : [{
                                "@type" : "XML",
                                "@size" : "146410",
                                "#cdata-section" : ""
                            }, {
                                "@type" : "HTML",
                                "@size" : "46105",
                                "#cdata-section" : ""
                            }, {
                                "@type" : "PDF",
                                "@size" : "1274885",
                                "#cdata-section" : ""
                            }, {
                                "@type" : "ALTERNATE PDF",
                                "@size" : "60960",
                                "#cdata-section" : ""
            }, {
                "ContentData" : {
                    "@statusType" : "Published",
                    "@isReleased" : "Yes",
                    "@docId" : "22457",
                    "ProductStatus" : {
                        "@productCategory" : "Issuer",
                        "@focus" : "Issuer",
                        "Symbol" : {
                            "@PrimarySymbol" : "AAPL",
                            "@SecondarySymbol" : "Apple",
                            "@BmId" : "1121"
                    "ContentVersion" : [{
                            "@versionId" : "1",
                            "@lastVersion" : "false",
                            "@lastPublished" : "false",
                            "Url" : [{
                                    "@type" : "XML",
                                    "#cdata-section" : ""
                                }, {
                                    "@type" : "HTML",
                                    "#cdata-section" : ""
                                }, {
                                    "@type" : "PDF",
                                    "#cdata-section" : ""
                                }, {
                                    "@type" : "ALTERNATE PDF",
                                    "#cdata-section" : ""
                        }, {
                            "@versionId" : "2",
                            "@lastVersion" : "true",
                            "@lastPublished" : "true",
                            "Url" : [{
                                    "@type" : "XML",
                                    "@size" : "174520",
                                    "#cdata-section" : ""
                                }, {
                                    "@type" : "HTML",
                                    "@size" : "46105",
                                    "#cdata-section" : ""
                                }, {
                                    "@type" : "PDF",
                                    "@size" : "1270150",
                                    "#cdata-section" : ""
                                }, {
                                    "@type" : "ALTERNATE PDF",
                                    "@size" : "60960",
                                    "#cdata-section" : ""
            }, {
                "ContentData" : {
                    "@statusType" : "Published",
                    "@isReleased" : "Yes",
                    "@docId" : "22501",
                    "ProductStatus" : {
                        "@productCategory" : "Issuer",
                        "@focus" : "Issuer",
                        "Symbol" : [{
                                "@PrimarySymbol" : "AAA",
                                "@SecondarySymbol" : "Some name 1",
                                "@BmId" : "561"
                            }, {
                                "@PrimarySymbol" : "ABC",
                                "@SecondarySymbol" : "Some Name 2",
                                "@BmId" : "29"
                            }, {
                                "@PrimarySymbol" : "BBB",
                                "@SecondarySymbol" : "Some Name 3",
                                "@BmId" : "36"
                            }, {
                                "@PrimarySymbol" : "CCC",
                                "@SecondarySymbol" : "Some Name 4",
                                "@BmId" : "624"
                    "ContentVersion" : {
                        "@versionId" : "1",
                        "@lastVersion" : "true",
                        "@lastPublished" : "true",
                        "Url" : [{
                                "@type" : "XML",
                                "@size" : "2706269",
                                "#cdata-section" : ""
                            }, {
                                "@type" : "HTML",
                                "@size" : "32445",
                                "#cdata-section" : ""
                            }, {
                                "@type" : "PDF",
                                "@size" : "887608",
                                "#cdata-section" : ""
                            }, {
                                "@type" : "ALTERNATE PDF",
                                "@size" : "34366",
                                "#cdata-section" : ""

I'm following the code example from LINQ to Json data retrieval from polymorphic json. I want to select the following but only if there is a single issuer in Symbol section and the PDF url for latest version:

  • @docId
  • @PrimarySymbol
  • @BmId
  • #cdata-section (but only for PDFs for the latest version)

Here's what my query looks like:

from content in jsonFeed.SelectTokens("DataFeed.Content").SelectMany(i => i.ObjectsOrSelf())
let issuer = content
        .Select(t => (string)t)
where issuer.FirstOrDefault().Equals("Issuer")
select new 
    DocID = (string)content.SelectToken("ContentData.@docId"),
    Symbol = (string)content.SelectToken("ContentData.ProductStatus.Symbol.@PrimarySymbol"),
    BMId = (int)content.SelectToken("ContentData.ProductStatus.Symbol.@BmId"),
    PDFUrl = (string)content.SelectToken("ContentData.ContentVersion.Url[3].#cdata-section")

Right now, I can successfully get all fields for Google, but I can't get PDFUrl for Apple (because I don't know how to get to the latest version). Also, how can I complete my Where clause so that it will only select documents with 1 symbol? So, in the end, my list will be the image below:



  • You can combine let and where to calculate and filter on intermediate results.

    The following query uses this technique, and also queries for the URL with @type equal to "PDF" rather than hardcoding it to be at index 3 (it's actually at index 2, by the way):

    string pdfUrlType = "PDF";
    var query =
        (from content in jsonFeed.SelectTokens("DataFeed.Content").SelectMany(i => i.ObjectsOrSelf())
         let issuer = content
                 .Select(t => (string)t)
         where issuer.FirstOrDefault().Equals("Issuer")
         // Get the @PrimarySymbol where there is exactly one, or null otherwise.
         let symbol = (string)content.SelectToken("ContentData.ProductStatus.Symbol.@PrimarySymbol")
         // Skip content without a single primary symbol
         where symbol != null
         // Get the last ContentVersion record in the JSON document.
         let lastContentVersion = content
            .Where(v => (bool?)v.SelectToken("@lastVersion") == true)
         // Skip content with no ContentVersion
         where lastContentVersion != null
         // Get the PDF Url record
         let pdfUrl = lastContentVersion.SelectToken("Url")
            .Where(u => (string)u.SelectToken("@type") == pdfUrlType)
         // Skip content with no PDF Url record
         where pdfUrl != null
         select new
             DocID = (string)content.SelectToken("ContentData.@docId"),
             Symbol = symbol,
             BMId = (int?)content.SelectToken("ContentData.ProductStatus.Symbol.@BmId"),
             PDFUrl = (string)pdfUrl.SelectToken("#cdata-section")

    If you actually want the alternate PDF url instead, set

    string pdfUrlType = "ALTERNATE PDF";

    Sample fiddle.

    If you are sure that the the latest version of ContentVersion in each "Content" record (the one for which "@lastVersion" equals "true") is guaranteed to be the last one by document order, you can simplify the query as follows:

         let lastContentVersion = content