I have a problem with this short script. Script must show digits like this 10 987.23 or 10 987 (2 symbols after dot or not), but showing NaN. What am I doing wrong?
var dohzavershen = "10 987.23456457457"; // corrected
dohzavershen = dohzavershen.replace(/.+?(?=\D|$)/,
function(f) {
return f.replace(/(\d)(?=(?:\d\d\d)+$)/g, "$1 ")
var dohzavershen = "10 987.23456457457"; // corrected
function formatter(n, k) {
var split = n.split('.');
if (split.length > 1) {
split[split.length-1] = split[split.length-1].substring(0, k);
return k > 0 ? split.join('.') : split[0];
formatter(dohzavershen, 2)
Something like this might work. But note that this does not round off the number but just selects the first two digits after the decimal point. The k>0 is just to make sure you dont get a "1234.", you can handle it any which way you think is appropriate