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Stubbing blocks in method OCMock

I am facing some hard time in mocking a block inside one of my methods which i want to test.

Below is more or less how my code looks like

- (void) startFetching:(MyParameter *) parameter
    self.fetcher = [[MyFetcher alloc] initWithContext:xxxx andObserver:nil];
    self.fetcher.parameters = @[parameter];
    [self.fetcher startWithCompleteionBlock:^(id<MyOperation>  _Nonnull operation) {
        if(operation.errors.count > 0) {
            [self.delegate failedWithError:operation.errors.firstObject];
        } else{
            FetcherResponse *response = [MyFetcherResponse cast:operation];
            NSArray *array =  response.responseArray;
           if(array.count == 1) {
                [self.delegate completedWithSuccess:array.firstObject];

Now i have a test method like testStartFetching and i want to test this method. i don't understand how i can stub this part [self.fetcher startWithCompleteionBlock:^(id<MyOperation> _Nonnull operation) inside my method so that, in success case it return proper array and in failure case it return errors and if i stub it for with errors then failedWithError:operation is called and completedWithSuccess is called otherwise.

I am using OCMock framework in objective c and i am new to unit testing. Any help will be highly appreciated.


  • I stub method with completion block which returns operation (with errors). Then I verify that calls delegate's method - failedWithError with right parameter (error).

       id<MyOperation> operation = [[MyClassOperaion alloc] init];
        NSError *error = [NSError new];
        operation.errors = @[error];
        OCMStub([self.fetcher startWithCompleteionBlock:([OCMArg checkWithBlock:^BOOL(void(^passedBlock)(id<MyOperation>  _Nonnull operation)) {
            return YES;
        OCMVerify([self.delegate failedWithError:error]);