I'm working on an Android app and trying to implement the following solution:
within an HtmlDrawable I have a set of elements with onClick events.
By clicking on these elements I want to communicate back to the Java code of the app using the "architectsdk://" url technique.
But I don't see any response in my ArchitectView.ArchitectUrlListener() implementation.
Another note: when I set onClick event of the HtmlDrawable itself then I successfully notified within the Java code.
So the question: is it possible to communicate back to Java code from an HtmlDrawable or I need to create each element separatly and places onclicks on them?
Thanks in advance.
I've got an answer on the Wikitude's forum:
In case if someone needs it:
HtmlDrawables live in a different context, you therefore cannot use architectsdk to communication with native Android/iOS urlListener. I recommend using HtmlDrawables onClick listener instead.
e.g. myHtmlDrawables.onClick = function() { document.location="architectsdk://mydrawables?clicked=1"; return true; }
Best regards