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Linode: SSH shows only welcome message

After logging into the remote server, only the following welcome message is shown. I'm unable to cd into the required directory.

Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.6.5-x86_64-linode71 x86_64)
Puppet environment: my-environment
Vendor: linode
OS version: Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS

Last login: Mon Oct 24 00:39:38 2016 from

What have I tried? I tried connecting via Filezilla and I'm able to connect and access the files in the remote server.

Relevant question in StackOverflow: ssh hangs on “Last login” line - Couldn't find a solution from this question.

Kindly note that I'm fairly new to Linux. Your solution is much appreciated.


  • It appears that the server doesn't support SSH. So using a SFTP client solves the issue.

    If you're looking to connect to remote server via SFTP from Ubuntu, then this solution works fine.