Given an object literal, or jQuery(html, attributes)
object, does any specification state that reserved words, or future reserved words MUST be quoted?
Or, can, for example, class
be set as a property name of an object without using quotes to surround the property name, without the practice being contrary to a specification concerning identifiers, property names, or use of reserved words?
Seeking a conclusive answer as to this question to avoid confusion.
let objLit = {
class: 123,
var: "abc",
let: 456,
const: "def",
import: 789
jQuery("<div>012</div>", {
class: "ghi"
<script src="">
Identifier Names are tokens that are interpreted according to the grammar given in the “Identifiers” section of chapter 5 of the Unicode standard, with some small modifications.
An Identifier is an IdentifierName that is not a ReservedWord
ECMAScript 5+
No, quotes were not needed since ECMAScript 5. Here's why:
As mentioned in your post, from the ECMAScript® 5.1 Language Specification:
7.6 Identifier Names and Identifiers
Identifier Names are tokens that are interpreted according to the grammar given in the “Identifiers” section of chapter 5 of the Unicode standard, with some small modifications. An
is anIdentifierName
that is not aReservedWord
(see 7.6.1).[...]
Identifier :: IdentifierName but not ReservedWord
By specification, a ReservedWord
7.6.1 Reserved Words
A reserved word is an
that cannot be used as anIdentifier
ReservedWord :: Keyword FutureReservedWord NullLiteral BooleanLiteral
This includes keywords, future keywords, null
, and boolean literals. The full list is as follows: Keywords
break do instanceof typeof case else new var catch finally return void continue for switch while debugger function this with default if throw delete in try Future Reserved Words
class enum extends super const export import
7.8.1 Null Literals
7.8.2 Boolean Literals
true false
The above (Section 7.6) implies that IdentifierName
s can be ReservedWord
s, and from the specification for object initializers:
11.1.5 Object Initialiser
ObjectLiteral : { } { PropertyNameAndValueList } { PropertyNameAndValueList , }
Where PropertyName
is, by specification:
PropertyName : IdentifierName StringLiteral NumericLiteral
As you can see, a PropertyName
may be an IdentifierName
, thus allowing ReservedWord
s to be PropertyName
s. That conclusively tells us that, by specification, it is allowed to have ReservedWord
s such as class
and var
as PropertyName
s unquoted just like string literals or numeric literals.
ECMAScript <5
To go more in depth as to why this wasn't allowed in previous versions before ES5, you have to look at how PropertyName
was defined. Per the ECMAScript® 3 Language Specification:
PropertyName : Identifier StringLiteral NumericLiteral
As you can see, PropertyName
was an Identifer
- not an IdentifierName
, thus leading to the inability for ReservedWord
s as PropertyName