As a part of an assignment I am trying to pull some statistics from the Riot API (JSON data for League of Legends). So far I have managed to find summoner id (user id) based on summoner name, and I have filtered out the id's of said summoner's previous (20) games. However now I can't figure out how to get the right values from the JSON data. So this is when I'll show you my code I guess:
$matchIDs is an array of 20 integers (game IDs)
for ($i = 1; $i <= 1; $i++)
$this_match_data = get_match($matchIDs[$i], $server, $api);
$processed_data = json_decode($this_match_data, true);
As shown above my for loop is set to one, as I'm just focusing on figuring out one before continuing with all 20. The above example is how I got the match IDs and the summoner IDs. I'll add those codes here for comparison:
for ($i = 0; $i <= 19; $i++)
$temp = $data['matches'][$i]['matchId'];
$matchIDs[$i] = json_decode($temp, true);
$data is the variable I get when I pull all the info from the JSON page, it's the same method I use to get $this_match_data in the first code block.
function match_list($summoner_id, $server, $api)
$summoner_enc = rawurlencode($summoner);
$summoner_lower = strtolower($summoner_enc);
$curl =curl_init('https://'.$server.''.$server.'/v2.2/matchlist/by-summoner/'.$summoner_id.'?api_key='.$api.'');
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$result = curl_exec($curl);
return $result;
Now to the root of the problem, This is where I put the data I get from the site, so you can see what I am working with. Now by using the following code I can get the first value in that file, the match ID.
echo $processed_data['matchId'];
But I can't seem to lock down any other information from this .json file. I've tried typing stuff like ['region'] instead of ['matchId'] with no luck as well as inserting index numbers like $processed_data[0], but nothing happens. This is just how I get the right info from the first examples and I am really lost here.
Ok, so I think I've figured it out myself. By adding this to the code I can print out the json file in a way more human-friendly way, and that should make it much easier to handle the data.
echo ("<pre>");
echo ("</pre>");