From these strings
data = "mtcars"
y = "mpg"
x = c("cyl","disp")
, I am trying to perform a linear model. I tried things like
epp=function(x) eval(parse(text=paste0(x,collapse="+")))
# Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'cyl' not found
where the last line was aimed to be equivalent to
This involves two operations that are both described in multiple SO entries that use perhaps singly either the get
or as.formula
formula=as.formula( paste( y, "~", paste(x, collapse="+") ) )
In both cases you are use a text/character object to return a language object. In the first argument get
returns a 'symbol' that can be evaluated and in the second instance as.formula
returns a 'formula' object. @blmoore is correct in advising us that lm
will accept a character object, so the as.formula call is not needed here.