I try to generate the expression with annotation below:
@NamedQueries({@NamedQuery(name = "E.findAll", query = "SELECT e FROM E e")})
I tried the code below:
.addMember( AnnotationSpec.builder(NamedQuery.class)
.addMember("name", "$S", "E.findAll")
.addMember("query", "$S", "SELECT e FROM E e)
but since addMember
requires string; this expression gives error. So how can i obtain a recursive expression.
Is it possible to build another annotation inside an annotation?
Yep. Use $L
and pass that an AnmotationSpec.
ClassName beef = ClassName.get(tacosPackage, "Beef");
ClassName chicken = ClassName.get(tacosPackage, "Chicken");
ClassName option = ClassName.get(tacosPackage, "Option");
ClassName mealDeal = ClassName.get(tacosPackage, "MealDeal");
TypeSpec menu = TypeSpec.classBuilder("Menu")
.addMember("price", "$L", 500)
.addMember("options", "$L", AnnotationSpec.builder(option)
.addMember("name", "$S", "taco")
.addMember("meat", "$T.class", beef)
.addMember("options", "$L", AnnotationSpec.builder(option)
.addMember("name", "$S", "quesadilla")
.addMember("meat", "$T.class", chicken)
+ "package com.squareup.tacos;\n"
+ "\n"
+ "@MealDeal(\n"
+ " price = 500,\n"
+ " options = {\n"
+ " @Option(name = \"taco\", meat = Beef.class),\n"
+ " @Option(name = \"quesadilla\", meat = Chicken.class)\n"
+ " }\n"
+ ")\n"
+ "class Menu {\n"
+ "}\n");
This test is a great source of examples.