I have this Entity Framework code first class:
public class ClientEvent
public int? EventCode { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
With this seed function for SQL Server Compact Edition:
protected override void Seed(ClientEventsContext context)
var clientEvent = new ClientEvent
EventCode = 0,
Description = "Test"
When I check the database table for ClientEvent after it runs, I see this entry:
EventCode | Description
1 | Test
Notice how the EventCode is 1? I would expect it to be 0. How can I seed this primary key to start at 0? I have tried using the code above, but even utilizing 0 itself sets the first entry to 1.
There is another question similar to this which works for SQL Server, but not SQL Server Compact Edition. I have tried using its suggested answer to set the initializer to 0:
context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("DBCC CHECKIDENT ('ClientEvents', RESEED, 0)");
The problem with this is:
System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeException: There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = 1,Token line offset = 1,Token in error = DBCC ]
Is there not a standard way of doing this with Entity Framework code first, irrelevant of the type of database being used?
You can use this statement with SQL Server Compact: