I created an Aurelia app using the Aurelia CLI (au new
) and would like to set up code coverage (preferably with karma-coverage, but if that's not possible I'll use whatever).
I first npm install karma-coverage --save-dev
then copy the test.js
task over to a cover.js
(so that I can run au cover
import {Server as Karma} from 'karma';
import {CLIOptions} from 'aurelia-cli';
// import project from "../aurelia.json";
export function cover(done) {
new Karma({
// This is the same as what's in karma.conf.js after running
// Except I added the 'src\\**\\*.js' part
files: [
{pattern: 'test\\unit\\**\\*.js', included: false},
{pattern: 'src\\**\\*.js', included: false}
configFile: __dirname + '/../../karma.conf.js',
singleRun: !CLIOptions.hasFlag('watch'),
reporters: ['progress', 'coverage'],
//logLevel: 'debug',
preprocessors: {
// [project.unitTestRunner.source]: [project.transpiler.id], // Is this actually needed? Nothing changes if I add or remove this...
'src/**/*.js': ['babel', 'coverage']
coverageReporter: {
includeAllSources: true,
reporters: [
{type: 'html', dir: 'coverage'},
{type: 'text'}
}, done).start();
export default cover;
This... gets me somewhere?
But I don't think the tests are being linked to the individual src files (they're instead being linked to app-bundle.js
Is there any way to get code coverage at the src file level (i.e. not bundle level) for an Aurelia app?
export class App {
constructor() {
this.message = 'Hello World!';
"use strict";
const path = require('path');
const project = require('./aurelia_project/aurelia.json');
let testSrc = [
{ pattern: project.unitTestRunner.source, included: false },
let output = project.platform.output;
let appSrc = project.build.bundles.map(x => path.join(output, x.name));
let entryIndex = appSrc.indexOf(path.join(output, project.build.loader.configTarget));
let entryBundle = appSrc.splice(entryIndex, 1)[0];
let files = [entryBundle].concat(testSrc).concat(appSrc); console.log(files);
module.exports = function(config) {
basePath: '',
frameworks: [project.testFramework.id],
files: files,
exclude: [],
preprocessors: {
[project.unitTestRunner.source]: [project.transpiler.id]
'babelPreprocessor': { options: project.transpiler.options },
reporters: ['progress'],
port: 9876,
colors: true,
logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,
autoWatch: true,
browsers: ['Chrome'],
singleRun: false,
// client.args must be a array of string.
// Leave 'aurelia-root', project.paths.root in this order so we can find
// the root of the aurelia project.
client: {
args: ['aurelia-root', project.paths.root]
I finally got it working, but it required a lot of under-the-hood modifications =\
First I had to install the following packages
npm install karma-coverage --save-dev
npm install karma-requirejs --save-dev
npm install babel-plugin-istanbul --save-dev
This is based on test.js
to the list of frameworks
(from the karma-requirejs package)included: false
) as well as test/aurelia-karma-cover.js
, which does the actual require
ing of test files.aurelia-karma.js
into aurelia-karma-cover.js
to not include /test/unit/setup.js
(it was giving me trouble with aurelia-browser-pal dependencies)"coverage"
from src file preprocessing (babel-plugin-istanbul will now handle instrumentation of code - see statement at the end for details).import {Server as Karma} from 'karma';
import {CLIOptions} from 'aurelia-cli';
import project from "../aurelia.json";
export function cover(done) {
new Karma({
configFile: __dirname + '/../../karma.conf.js',
frameworks: [project.testFramework.id, 'requirejs'],
files: [
{pattern: 'src\\**\\*.js', included: false},
{pattern: 'test\\unit\\**\\*.js', included: false},
// This file actually loads the spec files via require - it's based on aurelia-karma.js
// but removes setup.js and its dependencies
exclude: [
preprocessors: {
'src/**/*.js': ['babel'],
reporters: ['progress', 'coverage'],
singleRun: !CLIOptions.hasFlag('watch'),
coverageReporter: {
includeAllSources: true,
reporters: [
{type: 'html', dir: 'coverage'},
{type: 'text'}
}, done).start();
export default cover;
Just change var allTestFiles = ['/base/test/unit/setup.js'];
to var allTestFiles = [];
to avoid aurelia-pal-browser dependency errors.
Add "istanbul"
to the transpiler.options.plugins
list if using babel-plugin-istanbul.
* Without babel-plugin-istanbul
, code coverage works on post-transpiled code, which adds boilerplate that can't really be tested. This allows you to get to 100% code coverage ;)