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Static context cannot access non-static in Collectors

I have group of students. First I want to group them by the marks. Then I want to further group those sets into same name students together.

Map<Integer,Map<String,List<String>>> groupping =

I am getting an error saying,

Non-static method cannot be refered from a static context.

Yes. I am pretty much aware that I cannot refer to a non-static method without having an instance. But with all these stream operations, I'm a bit confused about what has gone wrong really.

Rather than how to fix this; I really want to know what's going on here. Any of your inputs is appreciated!

Because If I write the below grouping is completely valid;

Map<Integer,List<Student>> m =

Here is my class (In case if you need it)

public class Student {
    private String name;
    private int marks;
    // getters, setters, constructor and toString


  • Unfortunately, the error message “Non-static method cannot be refered from a static context.” is just a place-holder for any type mismatch problem, when method references are involved. The compiler simply failed to determine the actual problem.

    In your code, the target type Map<Integer, Map<String, List<String>>> doesn’t match the result type of the combined collector which is Map<Integer, List<String>>, but the compiler didn’t try to determine this (stand-alone) result type, as the (nested) generic method invocations incorporating method references requires the target type for resolving the method references. So it doesn’t report a type mismatch of the assignment, but a problem with resolving the method references.

    The correct code simply is

    Map<Integer, List<String>> groupping =
                 Collectors.mapping(Student::getName, Collectors.toList())));