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How to deploy existing REST service with Geoserver

In short, I want to add Geoserver extension with its own REST service (independent from the default Geoserver REST service).

How would you approach this problem? Should I add REST-starting servlets from the external webapp to the Geoserver sources? If yes, where should I copy them and where should I use them?

I am trying to deploy my own REST service (working fine in external Spring webapp) using Geoserver, so the webapp would become obsolete and the new REST service would be visible in geoserver/rest2 path. Both Geoserver, all its services and new REST would have access to the same Geoserver user context. I am trying to achieve this by adding new path-to-class mapping in applicationContext.xml in src/gs-restConfig and src/gs-rest, but starting my own REST service using Geoserver is still unsolved. Or maybe am I trying to achieve something odd and nonsensical?


  • Okay, I have achieved my goal by adding my own REST service to the geoserver/src/web/app project. Maybe it's a bit extreme, but it serves my goals ;) Mainly it required adding the external (my own) REST service and related classed to the Geoserver web.xml and applicationContext.xml files. When Geoserver is started this service coexits with Geoserver and is accessed in its path (Geoserver/rest2).