How can I write the argument of select
without backtick characters? I would like to do this so that I can pass in this argument from a variable as a character string.
df <- dat[["__Table"]] %>% select(`__ID` ) %>% mutate(fk_table = "__Table", val = 1)
Changing the argument of select to "__ID"
gives this error:
Error: All select() inputs must resolve to integer column positions.
The following do not:
* "__ID"
Unfortunately, the _
characters in column names cannot be avoided since the data is downloaded from a relational database (FileMaker) via ODBC and needs to be written back to the database while preserving the column names.
Ideally, I would like to be able to do the following:
colName <- "__ID"
df <- dat[["__Table"]] %>% select(colName) %>% mutate(fk_table = "__Table", val = 1)
I've also tried eval(parse())
df <- dat[["__Table"]] %>% select( eval(parse(text="__ID")) ) %>% mutate(fk_table = "__Table", val = 1)
It throws this error:
Error in parse(text = "__ID") : <text>:1:1: unexpected input
1: _
By the way, the following does work, but then I'm back to square one (still with backtick symbol).
References about backtick characters in R
You can use
with select_()
colName <- "__ID"
df <- data.frame(`__ID` = c(1,2,3), `123` = c(4,5,6), check.names = FALSE)