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FIWARE COSMOS with HDP 2.2 or 2.5 Installation

Based on what I have read, the mandatory tools for FIWARE COSMOS using HDP 2.5 are:


  • Could the FIWARE team please share the instruction on how to install and configure Cosmos GUI to HDP 2.2 or 2.5 (installed using HortonWorks Sandbox)

  • Please provide the Light-version Cosmos Big Data architecture using HDP 2.2.

  • I am not sure if the HDP (2.2 or 2.5) comes with HttpFS server?

enter image description here

Reference: BigData Analysis - Installation and Administration Guide


  • (Posted on behalf of the OP).

    I am gathering information here for HDP 2.5 user who would like to use the FIWARE framework and Cosmos GUI. In the process of questioning, I found other links that help to address the issue I have in setting up HDP 2.5 for FIWARE

    Answer: HDP does not come with HttpFS, [instruction][3] to [install][4] are provided.

    Suggestion: perhaps provide a Docker file to COSMOS GUI to simplify the installation to HDP? The user is expected to install HttpFS to HDP.