I have a xml file:
<department number= "1" name="unknown">
<product id="1"/>
<product id="2"/>
<product id="3"/>
<department number= "2" name="unknown">
<product id="4"/>
<product id="5"/>
<product id="6"/>
<department number= "3" name="unknown">
To save the data parsing, I created a class Department
and a collection ArrayList <Department>
, to keep these classes there. The class looks like this:
class Department {
String number;
String name;
ArrayList<Integer> productId = new ArrayList<>(); // collection for storage "attribut id of product"
public Department(String n, String na, ArrayList<Integer> pr) {
this.number = n;
this.name = na;
this.productId = pr;
How do I set the SAX-parser to work in each instance of the class Departament
got only his daughter tags product id
and placed in a particular ArrayList <Integer>
Try this.
public class Department {
final String number;
final String name;
final List<Integer> products = new ArrayList<>();
Department(String number, String name) {
this.number = number;
this.name = name;
File input = new File("shop.xml");
SAXParser parser = SAXParserFactory.newInstance().newSAXParser();
List<Department> departments = new ArrayList<>();
parser.parse(input, new DefaultHandler() {
Department department = null;
public void startElement(String uri,
String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes)
throws SAXException {
switch (qName) {
case "department":
department = new Department(
case "product":