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How do I animate a certain part of an SVG with CSS3?

I am not too familiar with animating SVG's embedded within HTML but here's what I attempted to do.

I have one SVG image on my site like so:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 20.1.0, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 0)  -->
<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px"
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                28.4,192.4 37.7,211.7 61.6,219.1 61.6,180.1                 "/>
            <polygon class="st24" points="102.2,172.6 83,173.5 81.9,182.3 77.6,185.2 72.3,180.1 77.4,169 67.2,164.3 69.3,171 61.6,180.1 
                61.6,219.1 85.6,211.7 94.8,192.4 90.8,180.1                 "/>

    <polygon class="st21" points="107.6,135.1 125,128.1 107.6,131.3         "/>
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I tried to animate some sections within the 'g' brackets using animate.css. So I would wrap them around a...

 <section class="wow animated fadeInLeft"> 

But it wasn't working so obviously I am doing it completely wrong. I want a certain section of the .svg to start pulsing (so zooming in and out infinitely). The following section...

            <polygon class="st20" points="50,141.8 53.2,131.6 37.7,138.8 45.4,155.8 37.3,163.5 30.8,159 29.2,145.6 0,144.3 17.3,155.8 
                11.2,174.4 25.3,203.7 61.6,214.9 61.6,155.8                 "/>

            <polygon class="st21" points="123.3,144.3 94.1,145.6 92.5,159 85.9,163.5 77.8,155.8 85.6,138.8 70.1,131.6 73.2,141.8 
                61.6,155.8 61.6,214.9 98,203.7 112.1,174.4 106,155.8                "/>
            <polygon class="st22" points="50,146 53.2,135.8 37.7,142.9 45.4,159.9 37.3,167.6 30.8,163.2 29.2,149.8 0,148.4 17.3,159.9 
                11.2,178.6 25.3,207.9 61.6,219.1 61.6,159.9                 "/>
            <polygon class="st23" points="123.3,148.4 94.1,149.8 92.5,163.2 85.9,167.6 77.8,159.9 85.6,142.9 70.1,135.8 73.2,146 
                61.6,159.9 61.6,219.1 98,207.9 112.1,178.6 106,159.9                "/>
            <polygon class="st9" points="54,171 56.1,164.3 45.9,169 51,180.1 45.7,185.2 41.4,182.3 40.3,173.5 21.1,172.6 32.5,180.1 
                28.4,192.4 37.7,211.7 61.6,219.1 61.6,180.1                 "/>
            <polygon class="st24" points="102.2,172.6 83,173.5 81.9,182.3 77.6,185.2 72.3,180.1 77.4,169 67.2,164.3 69.3,171 61.6,180.1 
                61.6,219.1 85.6,211.7 94.8,192.4 90.8,180.1                 "/>

What code can I implement to make that part of the svg group to pulse in and out. Thanks for any help.


  • You don't have to add any wrapper elements at all. Just add the animate.css specific classes to the wrapper g element like in the below snippet and it would work.

    One additional thing that you need to do is to set the transform-origin for the animated g element. I've set it as the bottom-right point based on the coords of the g elements.

    .animated {
      transform-origin: 61.6px 219.1px;
      animation-iteration-count: infinite;
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
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