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jqplot line chart with date

Hi i am trying to create simple line chart in jqplot with date in x axis and value in y axis everything working fine but the graph is not drawn correctly my code is below

<!DOCTYPE html>
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    <meta charset="UTF-8">
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  <div id="test_chart" style="width:880px; height:350px;margin-top: 30px;"></div>  
        $.jqplot ('test_chart',[[10,20,12]],
         title: 'Example',
            axesDefaults: {
             labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer
            seriesDefaults: {
            pointLabels: { show:true } ,
            rendererOptions: {
             smooth: true
        axes: {
               xaxis: {
                        angle: -90,
                        label: 'Date',
                        ticks : ['2016-10-01','2016-10-02','2016-10-03'],
                yaxis: {
                label: 'value',
                ticks : ['0','5','10','15','20','25','30','35']                 

Please guide me to draw graph using jqplot


  • First of all...
    To recreate the problem on CodePen, I had to use libraries from because nothing was going on except red lines in console.

    So maybe you should use these too(!).
    Notice that I also used lastest jQuery and jQuery-UI.

    Only then, I saw a graph background appear... But without any line or anything.

    So, looking at some examples here, I found that you are absolutely wrong on the way to provide data to the beast.

    Your data input is :

    $.jqplot ('test_chart',[[10,20,12]],

    And what's needed is:

    var arr = [['2016-10-01',10],['2016-10-02',20],['2016-10-03',12]];
    $.jqplot ('test_chart',[arr],

    OR (If you really don't like to define data in an array first...):

    $.jqplot ('test_chart',[[['2016-10-01',10],['2016-10-02',20],['2016-10-03',12]]],

    Do you notice the bracket amount ?
    Moreover, do you notice that each X-axis value is associated to a Y-axis value in this array?

    That was your main problem.
    Plus the odd cdns and the missing $(document).ready({ wrapper.

    So now, have a look at your working graph in this codePen
    And have fun ploting graphs...