I'm designing database and entities. I need to define shared lifecycle actions for some entities.
Can I annotate @EntityListeners
on interfaces so that entities implementing the interface affects?
public interface StorageObjectOwner {
public class StorageOwnerOwnerListener {
private void onPreRemove(final Object object) {
Now any entity implements get affected.
public class MyEntity implements StorageObjectOwner {
// will StorageObjectOwnerListener take action?
I've tried that with JPA 2.1. Sadly, it only seems to work with entities. So if your idea is using an interface, or even a superclass that is not an entity, it won't work.
Specification says:
When annotations are used, one or more entity listener classes are denoted using the EntityListeners annotation on the entity class or mapped superclass.
You could however use a default listener (set in XML configuration). That way it would trigger on any object being removed. You'd have to filter them with object instanceof StorageObjectOwner