Is it possible to have an URL to install only JBoss AS tools server from Jboss Tools pack?
I'm preparing an instruction which I should be simple and avoid error options. I found that instruction "find Jboss tools and select JBOSS AS tools" often ends with full installation, what is not correct for me.
For example I can install separated component by URL
I' know that I can install required feature by command line but I prefer install by URL
@michaldo, unfortunately, no. When you try to install plugin via link, the first thing Eclipse is looking at is p2.index file. See for more information here:
For example the example p2.index contents below will cause p2 to look for compositeContent.jar, and if not found, then compositeContent.xml and would skip looking for content.jar or content.xml as it normally would look for them first. (And, then, naturally, if it needed artifacts from that site, would look for compositeArtifacts.jar and if not found compositeArtifacts.xml and would skip looking for artifacts.jar and artifacts.xml).
And features don't have these auxiliary files, that Eclipse p2 can look for and use. Everything is ok for you with m2e, because it contains only one feature.