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ServiceNow - let ESS Users see all incidents from an affected service whether they created it or not

So I would love to let some ESS users see all incidents for a specific service in their default homepage, which I create.

What I did so far to manage that:

  • create a role
  • create group
  • add persons to the group
  • create homepage with gauge reports
  • added the role to the homepage as read & write

Now from my view as ITIL user I am able to see 17 incidents for my specific service X. Now I impersonate a User of that new group and I see only 3 Incidents, only the one that specific user created. But he is unable to see the others.

So what I tried was manipulating the incidents module under Application Menu -> Self Service --> Incidents

There I found a JavaScript which checks if the incident was created by the user, I just switched the true to false, and I hoped to get the other 14 incidents in return instead of his 3.

But that didn't work out.

Since ServiceNow is nearly as powerful as Chuck Norris, there must be other simple ways to achieve my goal.

I am running a fuji release. patch 11?


  • If you are talking about End-Users (Users without a role, or without the ITIL role) they are restricted by an onbefore query business rule and additionally by an ACL. You have to change both if you want your End-Users to see more Incidents. The sys_ids of these two objects should be the same on all instances, so just replace "yourinstance" in the links with the name of your service-now instance.

    Link to Business Rule

    Link to ACL (don't forget to elevate privileges [security_admin] in order to make changes)