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How can I hide 0 values on ios-chart?

I know that it is possible to hide y values when their values are equal to 0 on MPAndroidChart using a custom class for your value formatter (MPAndroidChart: Hide 0 value labels in a stacked bar chart).

Despite this, I am not able to create the same class on Swift 3.0 or get any other way to do this. I tried to "translate" the custom class from Java to Swift 3.0 without success (I can copy the code of what I have tried if you want but it is full of errors).

Is it possible to hide y values when they are equals to 0 on ios-chart library?

P.S: I am using Swift 3.0.

Thanks in advance!


  • I made it happen on a PieChart in one of my apps just like that :

        let dataSet = PieChartDataSet(yVals: yVals, label: nil)
        // This is where the magic happen
        // You set a NSNumberFormatter with an empty zero Symbol
        let noZeroFormatter = NumberFormatter()
        noZeroFormatter.zeroSymbol = ""
        dataSet.valueFormatter = ChartDefaultValueFormatter(formatter: noZeroFormatter)
        let chartData = PieChartData(xVals: xVals, dataSet: dataSet)