I am stuck with issue of setting 'Maxlength' to Spring 'Form:Input' tag. It is not reflecting in HTML
Spring Code:
<form:input path="admin[${loop.index}].firstName" id="firstName${loop.index}" cssClass="required" maxlength="64" />
Output in Browser:
<input name="admin[0].firstName" type="text" class="required" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false">
Is there any way to set the same (if not prefer CSS or JQuery)?
Converting comment to answer
<form input>
tag supportsmaxlength
here is the document:
Spring tag library supports almost all the jsp attributes with some extra feature to binding which helps us in mapping the values or in validation.
Spring will not manipulate anything which is provided in jsp. It just shows in browser, but before that if any jQuery
code or javascript
code is manipulated the tag then it will show the manipulated tag instead of actual.
In your case it may be jQuery