How can i convert the datetime format below
2010-10-25 11:13:36.700
25-Oct-2010 or 2010-10-25 00:00:00.000
Assuming the value is supplied as a string, not a DATETIME data type:
SELECT REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR, CAST('2010-10-25 11:13:36.700' AS DATETIME), 106), ' ', '-')
See the CAST/CONVERT documentation for other formats, though the one you requested requires post-processing.
The best performing means is to use DATEADD & DATEDIFF:
SELECT DATEADD(d, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, '2010-10-25 11:13:36.700'), 0)
WITH sample AS (
SELECT CAST('2010-10-25 11:13:36.700' AS DATETIME) dt)
SELECT REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR, s.dt, 106), ' ', '-') AS col1,
DATEADD(d, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, s.dt), 0) AS col2
FROM sample s
col1 col2
25-Oct-2010 2010-10-25 00:00:00.000
Being that you're on SQL Server 2005, you could make date formatting easier for yourself by creating a SQLCLR function that would allow you to use the .NET date formatting.