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Why is the maximum recursion depth in python 1000?

I was curious about what the MRD (maximum recursion depth) is in python, so i wrote this:

def call(n):
    print (n)
    return call(n+1)


The end result was 979, wich is a peculiar number for me. I could not find anywhere why this number is the standard. As i am a self taught programmer i would apreciate it being explained in simple terms.

EDIT: apperantly it's supposed to be a 1000, but why this number?


  • Here is a better test:

    n = 0
    def test_recursion_limit():
        def call():
            global n
            n += 1
        except RuntimeError:

    If you put it in and execute that, it should return 998 for both python2 and python3. It's one stack frame short because of the initial test_recursion_limit frame.

    If you're running in a REPL such as ipython, you are already inside a few frames, so you will see a lower count - it's not that the recursion limit is undershot, it's that the implementation of the REPL itself uses some stack frames.

    >>> # freshly opened ipython session
    >>> import inspect
    >>> len(inspect.stack())

    You can check the current recursion limit by calling sys.getrecursionlimit() function. The default value of 1000 is chosen as a sensible default, it's a safeguard against eclipsing system resources when you accidentally execute an infinitely recursive call. That's very easy to do when mucking around with custom __getattr__ implementations, for example.

    If you're blowing the stack legitimately and you need to increase the limit, it can be modified with sys.setrecursionlimit.