I am following this guide to begin learning functional programming w/ Javascript: https://medium.com/@cscalfani/so-you-want-to-be-a-functional-programmer-part-1-1f15e387e536#.iynj38h83
It defines a Pure function as:
The following function violates the contract:
function notPure(data) {
let ts = new Date();
return md5(data + ts);
But the following would be Pure:
function pureFunction(data, ts) {
return md5(data + ts);
Assuming I understand correctly, what is the point? I'm young to this part of the field. I don't yet understand how this is useful. Does the inclusion of the time stamp inside the function make the function stateful and break purity?
What is the advantage to forcing these values to be created elsewhere and passed into a pure function as a parameter?
Programs will always have state. Always. The idea of pure functional programming is that you push state (insofar as is possible) to the edges of your programs: for example scan in a line of user input, do a bunch of pure functions on it, and spit the output back to the console.
This has a lot of advantages:
So for your example function, how would you test the impure version? With the pure version its simple, you pass it a date and assert it returns the expected output.