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Why does NashornScriptEngineFactory haven't the possibility to get a ScriptEngine with only ClassFilter and args?

I am currently using Nashorn in a project and I would like to create a ScriptEngine from NashornScriptEngineFactory with only a ClassFilter in order to secure my script to avoid unexpected call to some libraries. And I would like also add arguments to the factory (here --strict in order to execute all javascript function in strict mode).

I found only these prototypes in NashornScriptEngineFactory :

public ScriptEngine getScriptEngine()
public ScriptEngine getScriptEngine(final String... args)
public ScriptEngine getScriptEngine(final ClassFilter classFilter)
public ScriptEngine getScriptEngine(final ClassLoader appLoader)
public ScriptEngine getScriptEngine(final String[] args, final ClassLoader appLoader)
public ScriptEngine getScriptEngine(final String[] args, final ClassLoader appLoader, final ClassFilter classFilter)

I wonder why there is no prototype :

public ScriptEngine getScriptEngine(final String[] args, final ClassFilter classFilter)

Can anyone help me ?


  • In a normal, simple situation, you can generally just use the class loader of the class that's making the call to get a ScriptEngine instance. That is, you can just pass


    (or explicitly reference the class by name). Just pass that to the three-argument getScriptEngine() method.

    Now, in not-so-normal, not-so-simple situations, where you have multiple class loaders to worry about (sometimes an issue in a servlet container or something like an Ant task for example), then where you get the class loader from might make a difference. If you really are in a situation like that, then (A) good luck and (B) hopefully you'll have enough context to know what to pass.