I try to read an .xml file to my C++ program using pugixml. The problem is, that not even the first example works.
My .xml looks like this:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<name bahn="Bahn 1"/>
<trkpt lat="48.0815471" lon="11.2745363">
<trkpt lat="48.0815471" lon="11.2745363">
<name bahn ="Bahn 2"/>
<trkpt lat="48.08161089580602" lon="11.274945462810345">
<trkpt lat="48.08161089580602" lon="11.274945462810345">
and I try to load the document using
pugi::xml_document doc;
pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file("kreisel_argelsriederfeld.xml");
std::cout<<"Load result: " << result.description()<<", mesh name"<< doc.child("name").attribute("bahn").value()<<std::endl;
pugi::xml_node bahnen = doc.child("trkseg");
std::cout << bahnen.value()<<std::endl;
Though when I call it, the output gets to ", mesh name"
and afterwards shows only empty space. Where is my mistake? Is it because I call the wrong names or something like that? As "Load result" I get "No Error", so the file should be loaded, doesn't it? I found several examples and tutorials, but all of them use this to load the file.
The file isn't valid XML (only one top-level <trk>
element is allowed). See this pugixml error handling example.
If you want to have more than one <trk>
they need to be wrapped in a single top level <trks>
Edit: Missed the part about there being no error. Perhaps pugixml is being tolerant here and the real problem is that <trk>
is considered a child of the document node. So, instead of doc.child("name")
try doc.child("trk").child("name")