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How to do an arbitrarily structured sparse checkout

I have a project with a directory structure like this:


I want to checkout the source and tests/utils directories (and everything inside recursively). Remainder directories (like abc, cde, ...) should not be checked out since they are huge.

I think svn co --depth empty is what I'm looking for. But then how to check out only tests/utils if test doesn't exist after the checkout is done?


  • You are on the right track - do it like this:

    svn co [REPO-URL] --depth emtpy
    svn up [PROJECT]/source --depth infinity
    svn up [PROJECT]/tests --depth empty
    svn up [PROJECT]/tests/utils --depth infinity

    Edit: LazyBadger is arguing that "--set-depth for svn up will be more correct way". Well, the SVN documentation quite clearly states for the --set-depth option (emphasis mine):

    It is with this option that you can change the sticky depth of a working copy item.

    However in this case, we are not changing any previously checked out working copy item - We're building a (sparse) working copy from scratch, step by step. So why would --set-depth be more correct? It isn't. But for completeness, if you'd like to type a bit more, you could also do:

    svn co [REPO-URL] --depth emtpy
    svn up [PROJECT]/source --set-depth infinity
    svn up [PROJECT]/tests --set-depth empty
    svn up [PROJECT]/tests/utils --set-depth infinity