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requirejs defining modules not working as expected

i have the following scenario:

i have a global namespace called fort which has a few common functions that i need and it looks like this :


define("fort", ["fortHistory"], function (FortHistory) {

  function Fort(){}
    Fort.prototype.history = FortHistory;

    return Fort;

fortHistory is a small module i created defined as so:


"use strict";
define("fortHistory", function () {

function FortHistory() {

FortHistory.prototype.doSomething = function(){...}
return FortHistory;

i then do this in my config.js

require.config( {
    enforceDefine: true,
    paths: {
        'fort': 'develop/js/fort',
        'fortHistory' : 'develop/js/webapp/fortHistory'
    shim: {
            exports: 'fort'
} );
define( function() {} );

finally in main.js i have:

define('fort', [], function(fort){
    window.fort = fort;

the hope was that i could then make a call such as :


instead fort is undefined so i am assuming i have misinterpreted how requirejs works


  • You've named it history, not fortHistory:

    Fort.prototype.history = FortHistory;

    Try calling it via fort.history.doSomething();.