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Angular One-time bind conditionally OR unbind listener when a specific value is set

I've something like below in DOM:

 <div ng-if="variant"

And in controller:

$scope.variant = false;
// after some unknown time there may be:
$scope.variant = true;

I wanted to show that div when variant is true. So,

$scope.variant will start by false. After some time it may/may not become true. When $scope.variant became true it's never gonna change it's value. So what I want is one-time bind that ng-if once $scope.variant is true.

An approach like:

<div ng-if="::variant"

will stop binding when it's false.

I can achieve it by stop assigning false to variant in the first time, but it's not possible in my case.

How can I unbind the ng-if when variant is true?


  • You can use $watch, to unregister a binding or a scope

    $watch returns a deregistration function.

    You can unregister a $watch with the function returned by the $watch call:

    var unwatch = $scope.$watch('variant', function(newValue, oldValue) {
        if(newValue == true)

    So, once your variant becomes true, the watch on it is removed, and the binding gets stopped.

    var app = angular.module( "Demo", [] );
      function( $scope ) {
        $scope.count = 0;
        $scope.after_unwatch = false;
        var unbindWatcher = $scope.$watch(
          function( count ) {
            alert( "Watching click count." );
            if ( count >= 5 ) {
              $scope.after_unwatch = true;
        $scope.incrementCount = function() {
      <script src=""></script>
      <div  ng-app="Demo" ng-controller="AppController">
          Unbinding $watch() Listeners In AngularJS
          <a ng-click="incrementCount()">Click it for five times, and after that watch on `count` is removed.</a>
        <p ng-show="after_unwatch">
          <em>The watch on click is removed.</a>

    Run this code

    Here is a plunker